mingjian youxuan kol selection system

mingjian youxuan kol selection system is based on kol quality and past campaign data to create a complete kol marketing cycle and provides brands with the optimal combination of kols.

mingjian youxuan kol selection system covers mainstream social platforms and many live broadcast platforms such as weibo, wechat, xiaohongshu, tik tok, bilibili, baby tree and zhihu, and enjoys high-level api access to weibo. it provides multidimensional industry baselines, authentically evaluates kol effectiveness, directly presents kol benefit-cost ratios, and scientifically evaluates kol commercial value. as a result, brands are more empowered in price negotiations and can reduce campaign costs. through nlp and machine learning, and training with a large number of spammer samples, mingjian youxuan kol selection system can filter low-quality, fraudulently inflated engagement content and build social relationship networks based on knowledge graphs, so as to quickly find “micro kols” with high cost performance.

why choose
mingjian youxuan kol selection system?
mingjian youxuan kol selection system’s core features
  • multi-platform coverage,
    high-level api access to
    weibo, databases of 100
    million fans and stable
    full-data support
  • ai-powered price actuary
    and purchasing optimi-
    zation, so as to save
    money and labor
  • continue to invest in
    technology, and use
    the fraudulent engage-
    ment detection patent*
    to create accurate
    filtration models
  • accurate evaluation
    system, multi-
    dimensional industry
    benchmark value,
    kol performance is
    clear at a glance
  • kol strategies and
    content analysis to
    learn about the com-
    petitors and become
    the winner in competi-
  • the choice of a-list
    clients to meet their
    strategic needs
  • multi-platform cover-
    age, high-level api
    access to weibo,
    databases of 100
    million fans and
    stable full-data
  • ai-powered price
    actuary and pur-
    chasing optimi-
    zation, so as to
    save money
    and labor
  • continue to invest in
    technology, and use
    the fraudulent enga-
    gement detection
    patent* to create
    accurate filtration
  • accurate evaluation
    system, multi-
    dimensional industry
    benchmark value,
    kol performance is
    clear at a glance
  • kol strategies and
    content analysis to
    learn about the com-
    petitors and become
    the winner in com-
  • the choice of a-list
    clients to meet their
    strategic needs
*application number: zl 2015 1 0657636.8
 patent type: invention
mingjian youxuan one-stop influencer selection & evaluation